My Review: 3.1 Phillip Lim Pre-Fall 2012

Monday, December 10, 2012 0 comments
Pre-Christmas season doesnt mean only buying gifts and getting ready for the most beautiful holidays of year (not even for me). The bunch of fashion shows just hit us again. Its mid season collections! Ok, I´ve just checked 3.1 Phillip Lim Pre-fall 2013 and I totally felt in love with it. It is all I love and it´s so much my style. I mean, I would definitely wear every piece of those outfits and they would actually fit me :) Im choosing some of my favs so have a look and let me know what you think! xo

3 good things for today:
1. had a shower and nice breakfast and overall, my morning was just comfy and smooth and...
2. ate whole caramel chocolate, yum!
3. learned for exams. Finally.

Special days

Thursday, December 6, 2012 0 comments
These days are special. Not becauce of tons of exams and learning but because in my country it´s Saint Nicolas day today! It means children (and not only them:) get the sweets that brought them Saint Nicolas because they´ve been good during whole year! I got some too and it´s not just little! My Saint Nicolas (means my bf) got me my favorite chocolate that I dont usually buy´cause it´s quite expensive here. I´m adding in pics something that came yesterday. It is the spike necklace from ebay. It was supposed to be the bracelet but it came as necklace. Anyway, I´m really happy for it because it really looks cool and I can wear it in two different ways. Have a look! :)

3 good things for today:
1. had a lovely visitors today: my mum, my auntie and my cousin;
2. we had a walk through the town and got some honey alcoholic drink;
3. bought warm boots for this snowy cold weather :) finally.

My Christmas Wishlist

Monday, November 26, 2012 0 comments
Because the Christmas is seriously approaching, I have made a special wishlist. I know I won't get most of these things but dreaming's great and American journalist Gloria Steinem once said: “Without leaps of imagination or dreaming, we lose the excitement of possibilities. Dreaming, after all is a form of planning.”  
Have you made some kind of wishlist too? If so, what's in? :)
My Christmas Wishlist

My Fav Fall Trend: BURGUNDY!!!!

Tuesday, November 20, 2012 2 comments
You probably love actual seasonal color too. Burgundy, named after French region Bourgougne and its famous wine, is a true winner of this fall. If I speak for myself, this color absolutely fits my style and my wardrobe. I don't wear colorful clothes often, I prefer neutrals as black, white, beige, pale pink, dark blue, grey etc. Burgundy is absolutely my favorite this season because it's also a neutral color (for me), it makes me feel warm during cold days and reminds me of fall. Here is the list of 8 beautiful pieces for inspiration. Do you like burgundy color too? If so, how do you wear it? And which of these pieces would you actually wear?

H&M Jumper
Wildfox Sweatshirt
Topshop By Sister Jane Blouse
Topshop Velvet Skirt
Alexander Mcqueen Suede Tote
Carven Peplum Top

Topshop Boots
Friis & Company Wedges

3 good things for today:
1. spent morning at school (good mainly for my brain),
2. had a nice lunch with my girls,
3. Im going to a mall to buy some kitchen stuff. Yay :D getting old lady :)))

Floral winter

Sunday, November 18, 2012 2 comments
I understand it's almost winter in Europe, but I've found some beautiful summer pieces to share with you. One of my favorite websites Fellt is a daily portion of lifestyle and mainly fashion. You might have been hearing about it before. It's Australian blog network presenting créme de la créme of Australian fashion blogs.  Today I went through some and found the post from K is for Kani called A floral summer. I got inspired too and therefore wrote this post full of beautiful summer floral headpieces as well. Honestly, if I had to choose one I really couldn´t decide. Anyway, Connie, blog owner, produces all these amazing floral crowns all by herself, so if you´re really interested, you can buy some gorgeous pieces here (they´re not even too expensive).   

Chápem, že v Európe je už takmer zima, ale nedá mi sa nepodeliť s Vami o krásne letné kúsky. Jedna z mojich obľúbených lifestylových a módnych stránok je Fellt, možno ste už o nej niekedy počuli. Ide o austrálsku blogovú sieť a v podstate to najlepšie z austrálskych módnych blogov. Dnes som ich pár prešla a čekla a našla som príspevok od K is for Kani, nazvaný A floral summer. A tak som sa rozhodla inšpirovať a napísať príspevok plný nádherných kvetovaných letných čeleniek a konkrétne tieto aj trošku spropagovať slovenským čitateľkám, a, úprimne povedané, keby som si mala vybrať, skutočne by som sa nevedela rozhodnúť. Inak, Connie, majiteľka blogu, sama tieto prenádherné kvetované korunky krásy vyrába , teda ak by ste o jej čelenky mali seriózny záujem, môžete si ich kúpiť tu (a nie sú ani prehnane drahé). 

All pictures are from this link

3 good things for today:
1. saw my mum and had a lunch with her,
2. had rose wine with bf,
3. finally found out, how washing machine works.

Knižka Katky Mossovej

Saturday, November 17, 2012 1 comments
Máš rada Kate Moss a knihy? V tom prípade ťa možno poteší, že 34ročná modelingová veteránka vydáva knihu, ktorá vo fotografiách zachytáva jej modelingovú kariéru. Knihu zostavila Kate spolu s kopou svojich známych a priateľov z brandže a ide o, aspoň podľa môjho názoru, nielen o biografiu v obrazoch ale aj o krásny prierez módy za posledných 20 rokov. Kniha stojí 50 libier, čiže ak máš nejaké zvyšné peniažky a pripravuješ predvianočný wishlist, hurá do toho!

3 good things for today: 
1. waking up after party wasnt that hard considering how much did I drink;
2. me, neither my bf, didnt have time and mostly energy for cooking so we ve decided to go to restaurant and had a nice dinner;
3. lazy day, I listened to good old music whole evening.

Chicken Lunch

Wednesday, November 14, 2012 0 comments
After some time, Im coming with another recipe. Because I ve moved away and started living with my boyfriend, Im literally supposed to cook. Better say, learn to cook. Today, I was really hungry and had no idea what to cook. I was browsing on the internet looking for some dish with chicken meet. I found kari chicken breast with pinapple in pinapple creamy sauce and rise. I didnt captured the whole process of preparation since I got mad about cutting raw meat that I basily hated. Then after cooking it all, I prepared rise, which was another problem. Overall, it turned out pretty well and I could finally eat something hot and delicious. 

I will add the photos later because I forgot cable from camera at home home. Hope you understand. <3 For now, here´s the picture of pinapples :))

Many many pinapples found randomly on the Internet :))

3 good things for today:
1. I love these mornings when the sun is shining and I open all windows and breath fresh air while drinking coffee. It actually happened today.
2. I made really tough homework from french in quite short time. Not sure about the quality but I accomplished at least the quantity.
3. I cooked really good food (even the rise wasnt that perfect).

The Angel in Human Body

Saturday, November 10, 2012 0 comments
As annual Victoria´s Secret Fashion show is approaching into our TVs and PCs, I´d love to draw your attention to new super sexi and beautiful angel Barbara Palvin. She´s Hungarian (it´s just true that the prettiest girls come from Eastern Europe :)), she was born in 1993 (19 years old) and many people from modelling remark her as younger Natalia Vodianova (btw another Eastern beauty from Russia). I noticed her like one year ago, although she was discovered already in 2006. She hasn´t really got measurements for high fashion (she´s 171cm high and not as bony as many others HF models, good for her :)) so it´s been only a matter of time when she became the VS angel. She has such a beutiful perfect face, it totally suits her to represent angel in human body. I can´t really wait for show 

I think it was such a good choice to put Barbara Palvin in the Victoria´s Secret Fashion Show, the show that is most glamorous than any other fashion event and EVERY woman would change the body and the whole apperance in show with the models. Well, isn´t Barbara beautiful? Check the pics below (they´re not mine, just randomly found on the internet). Btw if some of you know where can I watch the video from VSFS 2012, pls let me know.

3 good things for today:
1. I woke up in new apt. (doesn´t matter it was only 7am), 
2. had a 2-hours sleep in the afternoon (because of early wake up),
3. another lazy day, Im curious whats the evening gonna bring (probably nothing exciting). 

IKONA a.k.a. Gangsta Nancy Sinatra

Thursday, November 8, 2012 1 comments
Tento príspevok som sa rozhodla napísať pre tých, čo nečítajú Vanity Fair (ani na webe, pretože na Slovensku sa nepredáva) a pre tých, čo sú zároveň aj fanúšikmi Lany Del Rey.

Rodená Newyorčanka Lizzy Grant vyštudovala metafyziku a v 18tich hrávala v undergroundových kluboch v Brooklyne. Svoj prvý skutočný album vydala v roku 2010, ale do nášho povedomia sa dostala až zhruba koncom leta 2011 vďaka pesničke Video Games, Laninmu unikátnemu hlasu a vintage looku 50. a 60. rokov. Ja osobne mám jej hudbu veľmi rada a zamilovala som si aj smutno-nežný hit posledných týždňov "Ride" a jej kampaň pre H&M. Fotky pod článkom sú zo stránky Vanity Fair a sú to údajne doposiaľ nezverejnené fotky, ktoré urobila Lanina sestra!! Tak dúfam, že sa Vám budú páčiť a užijete si Lanin pôvabný vzhľad! :)

This article is dedicated to all those who don't read Vanity Fair and are fans of Lana Del Rey.

Born Newyorker Lizzy Grant studied metaphysics and performed in underground clubs in Brooklyn when 18 years old. Her first real album released in 2010 but we've actually noticed her last year thanks to song Video Games, Lana's unique voice and vintage look of  '50 and '60. I really like her music as well and currently enjoying the song of last weeks "Ride" and campaign Lana for H&M. Pictures below are from Vanity Fair and they are by now unseen pics that took her sister!! I hope you will like the photos as well as Lana's charming look! :)

April 2010
April 2010
January 2012
May 2012
July 2012
3 good things for today:
1. I cleaned the whole apt,
2. I cleaned the whole apt,
3. I cleaned the whole apt. Bye

Obama's Girls

Wednesday, November 7, 2012 0 comments
After the very-expected-electoral night, we´ve already recognized the old-new American president, Barack Obama. What I want to say first is big congratulation and good luck with dealing with many problems that hit Americans these days. Second, I want you to have a look at picture below. There´s obv Obama´s family during last night, well just after reelecting. When I saw this picture first, I totally fell  in love with Malia's skirt. It is just amazing. The shape, the color, styling, everything. Looks like Obama'girls are growing into beautiful young ladies and follow mother Michelle's fashion senses :))

More similar skirt inspirations here:

Topshop Skirt 

Kenzo Skirt

Miu Miu Skirt

Kenzo Tweed Skirt

3 good things for today:
1. I can´t stop thinking about decorating new apt so it just literally takes all the time;
2. super-delicious cauliflower pancakes made by my mum;
3. bought nive and relatively cheap bedroom stuff so we can finally sleep there (well, after cleaning all). :)
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