Kuchynské okienko / Cookery corner

Saturday, October 27, 2012 3 comments
Dovolím si úprimne konštatovať, že čo sa týka kuchyne a varenia, som tak trochu enfant terrible. O varenie sa nezaujímam, nevarím, nečítam a nekupujem kuchárske knihy a ani ma to nebaví. Dnes som bola sama doma, tak ak som chcela prijať niečo teplé a dobré, s výnimkou kávy a čaju, musela som si navariť sama. A tak vzniklo toto (kuk fotky). Neviem posúdiť, do akej miery to spĺňa estetické kritériá (asi moc nie) ale chuťovo to bolo fajné. Plus musím hrdo dodať, že všetko bolo 100% bio a vypestované doma! Mrkvička udusená na masle s troškou červenej papriky a čiernym korením bola sladká a mäkká a na uvarených zemiakoch a volskom oku sa nedá snáď nič pokaziť....Dnešný obed sa mi celkom vydaril a ešte som sa aj poriadne najedla!

If I speak frankly, I have to admit that when it comes to kitchen and cooking, I'm kinda enfant terrible. I'm not interested in cooking, I don't cook, I don't buy and read cookery books. Today I've been at home alone and if I wanted to eat something hot and good, except for tea or coffee, therefore I had to cook. Aaand I made this (see pics below). I really can't consider if it looks representative but actually, it tasted good. I must add all the ingredients were 100% bio and grown at home! The carrot smothered in butter with a hint of red and black pepper was deliciously sweet plus cooked potatoes and fried egg can't possibly go wrong....Today's lunch turned into really rad & delicious meal!

3 good things for today: I
1. had funny and romantic dream with some guy from TV,
2. was exercising with fitness ball,
3. read the interview with new Slovak fashion designer Martin Hrča, born in my hometown. If you are Slovak or you understand Slovak, read the interview here

Keď Karlie zlepší náladu...

Friday, October 26, 2012 2 comments
Dnešný deň tak trochu reflektuje počasie, odohrávajúce sa vonku. Celkom nanič. Tumblr padol, frajer je fatálne chorý (rozumej bolí ho hrdlo a je unavený), v telke nieje nič čo by ma zaujímalo a nemám sa ísť s kým ani opiť (jedine že by som si dala poldeci s mamou). Zišlo by sa mi, aby ma niekto oblial vodou, ako v tej reklame na minerálku. Isteže, dnešný deň mal aj pozitíva, napríklad som napísala stranu diplomovky, pretože som nemala čo iné robiť :)))
V rámci pozdvihnutia nálady lustrujem internetom a vogue.com je vždy nekonečným zdrojom inšpirácie a krásnych obrázkov. A dočítala som sa, že vraj zamat prežil znovuzrodenie a je hitom tejto sezóny. Súhlasím, zamat nemôže byť hitom v inom ročnom období ako na jeseň! Taktiež vrelo odporúčam čeknúť fotky z análov Vogue: Dressing Up With Vogue, kde sa hneď naľakáte pri fotke Karolíny Kurkovej v štýle Marilyna Mansona.

A na záver, ak máte radi Karlie Kloss tak ako ja (samozrejme v High Fashion, a nie vo VSFS!), tak nech sa páči, topmodelka v roli štýlovej maminy. Krásne! (Musela som sem tú foto dať, pretože si ju chcem nejak zachovať a keby som si ju stiahla do pc, tak ju čoškoro vymažem :D)

By Arthur Elgort via vogue.com

3 good things for today: I
1. was wearing a cap and gloves while going out. I was lucky considering it was really cold and windy outside.
2. had banana in chocolate, yum,
3. watched GG S06E03 :))

Let's talk about HUUUGE RINGS!

Wednesday, October 24, 2012 10 comments
Elizabeth Taylor once said: Big girls need big diamonds. Well, I don't wear diamonds (because I haven't got enough money for them) but I totally love big rings. When it comes to jewelry, big coctail rings are my favs. I prefer these two (on the pictures below), I can't even remember when and where I bought them but they're so perf. People usually notice the black one because it looks a bit like a piece of coal or stone. My dream is to own Arty Ring from YSL, but if I (and also you) want to own it, you have to act immediately because ppl from YSL won´t be making them anymore! 

3 good things for today: I 
1. wake up at 10.30 because yesterday, I had to woke up really early,
2. drunk coffee with milk while watching one of my favs series,
3. my nails are finally polished, I handled it pretty well! (you can see on pics below)

New In: Wedge Sneakers

Saturday, October 20, 2012 5 comments
When I want to wear trends, it´s kinda difficult to find some interesting piece in town where I live. Therefore, I prefer shopping abroad but these days I really don´t have opportunity neither money for travelling to Vienna, London or Paris. Yesterday, while walking around shops, I found the wedge sneakers and I simply had to buy them. You can see them on a photo below. They are navy blue, white soled and really comfy. Can´t wait to wear them! Let´s take a look and maybe let me know what do you think about them. Hot or not?

Wedge Sneakers Deichmann

3 good things for today: I
1. woke up early;
2. helped with housework;
3. was studying, but just a little :D.

How does it feel to be like Tabula Rasa?

Friday, October 19, 2012 0 comments
If you have ever heard this expression, you better understand what I mean. Yesterday, before sleeping, I deleted whole message history in my phone. Well, it wouldn´t be such a big deal if there weren´t messages from 2 years ago. So much things happened during this time: I had a hard time with my first so-called boyfriend (better call him lover), was partying and then enjoying single status, meeting up with new friends, got to know my current boyfriend, travelled around Europe....so much important in my life during this time. And I now deleted all the memories included in texts. Sounds ridiculous, but try to do this. It´s strange feeling. Like ... yeah, tabula rasa. Nowadays, I hope I´ll forget all the bad memories from this period of my life (that were pretty much) and start again. With love of my life and expectations for the future. Let´s hope it´ll be the best time and I´ll reach all I want (or at least almost of that) ... (or at least succesfully finish the studies :)) !

3 good things for today: I
1. started the day with morning coffee outside the house enjoying chill but still sunny weather;
2. had Cadbury Dairy Milk Caramel (my favourite!);
3. cleaned the house and finally found my flash drive.

Pretty succesful day, huh? And it´s not even afternoon! :) Have a good friday, everyone! xx

3 good things for today

Thursday, October 18, 2012 3 comments
Here we go, the second day of my experiment. It was such a beautiful sunny day, and I heard it was also quite hot (when we consider it´s the end of october!) but I stayed whole day inside of house doing pretty nothing. Well, that´s the life of unemployed student of final year at Uni.

3 good things for today: I
1. started the day with fruit salad;
2. listened to loud music;
3. finally read the lecture notes for next week´s lesson;

Whereas I don´t want to keep my blog without pictures, I captured that salad :D There´s only banana, orange and apple, I did not unfortunately find any other fruit in fridge. Let´s hope it´ll be better next time. xx

Experiment: 3 good things for today

Wednesday, October 17, 2012 1 comments
So I realised I should get over my silly bad moods and forgot my pessimism of these days. I got inpired by a girl on Tumblr who writes her "3 good thing for today" almost every single day. I found it amazing how she picks three small details of her day that make her happier. I hope I will do this as often as possible so I can realise how little things can make our life happy and cheerful.

My 3 good things for today:
1. had butter croissant and banana for breakfast,
2. finally, after few curly weeks, straightened my hair,
3. drew vegies and fruits for my cousin´s babygirl.

Now, I am heading to a date with my boyfriend (this could be the 4th good thing for today) so I wish you all nice evening and good night! <3

Milujeme Demi / We love Demi

Sunday, October 14, 2012 1 comments
Ak sledujete americkú Superstar a nevšímate si len výkony nádejných celebrít, ale aj údajne kontroverznú porotu a ich štýl, Demi Lovato ste nemohli prehliadnuť. Predtým, ako som začala show pozerať, som poznala jej meno, ale nič viac. Ani dnes nepatrím medzi fanúšikov jej hudby, ale úplne najviac ma zaujal jej štýl. Na každú epizódu sa teším nielen kvôli napredovaniu jednotlivých spevákov, ale hlavne na to, ako bude zas Demi nastajlovaná. V poslednej časti, kde súťažiacich privítala doma, vyzerala v čiernom šortkovom overale a s červeným rúžom ako femme fatale. Loved it!

Topshop Dress and Jacket
If you watch The X-Factor and you´re not just only into contestants, you have definitely noticed Demi Lovato style. Before watching the show, I knew only her name. I´m still not really a fan, don´t listen to her music or anything. But what I love is her style. I´m looking forward to every episode almost only because of her, what will she wearing etc. In last episode (Judges´s homes, where she hosted Nick Jonas as her adviser and friend) you might have seen her in black playsuit with red lipstick and she looked like femme fatale. Loved it!

With Nick Jonas from Jonas Brothers,
wearing Topshop Playsuit

Gabyna abeceda / Gaby's Alphabet

Friday, October 5, 2012 0 comments
Ak milujete značku Chloé tak ako ja, určite Vám neunikol jedinečný projekt Alphabet, inšpirovaný zakladateľkou Chloé Gaby Aghion a realizovaný pri príležitosti 60. výročia značky v Palais de Tokyo v Paríži. Kliknutím na tento odkaz sa dostanete na oficiálnu stránku Chloé a samotnú abecedu, ktorá pod každým písmenom skrýva zaujímavý obsah s doslova historickým materiálom. :) Každé písmeno, každá fotografia pôsobí tak inšpiratívne, že by ste sa v momente chceli stať súčasťou kreatívneho tímu Chloé (áno, aj ja).

If you love Chloé as I do, you have definitely noticed an unique project called Alphabet, inspired by Chloé founder Gaby Aghion and carried out on the occasion of 60th anniversary of the brand in Palais de Tokyo, Paris. By clicking this link, you will get to the official Chloé website and whole alphabet that concerns all letters with their exclusive content of, literally, historical matters. :) Every letter, every picture seems so inspiring, so you desire to become a part of Chloé creative team (yes, I do).

Chloé Spring-Summer 1960 at Brasserie Lipp

(Picture from vogue.fr)

Zázrak menom kokosový olej / A miracle called coconut oil

Thursday, October 4, 2012 0 comments
Ak ste milovníkom bio vecí alebo len proste máte pokrk syntetických kozmetických prípravkov, určite sa Vám bude páčiť kokosový olej. Ak ste teda o ňom ešte nepočuli. Ja som sa o tomto zázraku dozvedela asi pred dvoma mesiacmi a strašne sa mi zapáčil.

Prírodný kokosový olej je skutočne kvalitný olej a existuje veľmi veľa spôsobov na jeho využitie. Či už v kuchyni alebo kúpeľni. Ja uprednostňujem kozmetické využitie, kedže v kuchyni sa moc nezdržiavam (chudák môj frajer) :) Najlepšie je ho používať večer po odlíčení a umytí tváre, ráno potom budete mať krásnu jemnú hydratovanú tvár (keďže olej sa perfektne vstrebáva a nezanecháva pokožku mastnú). Kokosový olej sa tiež používa pri starostlivosti o suché vlasy, na bielenie zubov a ako telové mlieko.

Ja používam kokosový lej, ktorý je na fotke. Kúpila som ho v DM drogérii a nestál ani 3 eurá. Pri jeho kúpe určite nezabudnite čeknúť, či ide skutočne o 100% bio kokosový olej. Ak mi neveríte, určite Vás presvedčí aspoň modelka Miranda Kerr, ktorá ho tiež zbožňuje a propaguje ho aj v rámci svojej kozmetickej značky KORA Organics.

If you are a bio lover or just sick of syntetic cosmetic products, you will definitely love coconut oil. Obviously, if you haven´t heard about it before. I found it like two months ago and totally fell in love with it.

Natural coconut oil is the oil of high quality and there are so many ways to use it. From the kitchen to bathroom, everywhere. I prefer its cosmetic use whereas I can´t really cook (poor my bf) :) The best way for using it is in the evening after removing make-up and washing your face so you wake up with smooth hydrated face (skin perfectly absorbs oil and doesn´t stay oily at all). The coconut oil is amazing for your damaged or dry hair as well as for teeth whitening and body lotion.

I use the coconut oil on the picture. I bought it in DM Drogerie Markt and it costs less then 3 eur. Don´t forget to check whether the oil is pure 100% natural or not. If you don´t believe the magic use of it, that must be Miranda Kerr whom you will believe. She loves coconut oil and promotes it also within her cosmetic brand KORA Organics.

Review: Chanel RTW S/S 2013 Paris Fashion Week

Tuesday, October 2, 2012 0 comments
Keby som si mala vybrať jeden, pre mňa najzaujímavejší detail z prehliadky Chanel Jar/Leto 2013, boli by to jednoznačne výrazné perlové náhrdelníky a náramky plus uhladené elegantné účesy, aké zvyknem občas nosiť aj ja (keďže to pristane mojej tvári a vlasom celkovo). Tvídové sačká spomínať ani nejdem, keďže s nimi si Chanel nejakým spôsobom stotožňujem. Celá prehliadka, outfity a modelky, všetko bolo také ženské, luxusné, úžasné a také presvedčivé!

Ak chcete vidieť viac fotiek z prehliadky, určite odporúčam navštíviť stránku britského Vogue. Môžete tam vidieť nielen fotky z catwalk-u s detailami ale aj fotky zo zákulisia. Enjoy!

If I could choose one, personally the most interesting detail from Chanel Spring/Summer 2013 Fashion Show, I would definitely go for statement pearl necklaces and bracelets plus preppy elegant hair style that I do wear sometimes in real life (because it fits my face and hair). I am not even going to speak about fantastic cocoon jackets. The whole fashion show, outfits and models were all feminine, classy, fabulous and so confident!

And how about make-up?? Black eyeliner, glossy eye-shadows, pale lipstick. So remember that, you´ll have to learn how to put this make-up before the spring 2013 will come.

If you wanna check the photos from the show, I recommend the website of British Vogue. You can see there the pics from catwalk with details as well as backstage pictures with complete make-up. Enjoy!

Slovenská kráska Kinga Rajzak / Slovak Beauty Kinga Rajzak

(Credit for photo: vogue.co.uk)

Review: Chloé RTW S/S 2013 Paris Fashion Week

Monday, October 1, 2012 0 comments

Zbožňujem Chloé. Keby som bola bohatá, určite by som vykúpila celé kolekcie. Keďže som sa totálne zamilovala do kolekcie jeseň-zima 2012, nemohla som sa už dočkať tej nadchádzajúcej jarno-letnej. Som si úplne istá tým, že Clare Waight Keller, kreatívna riaditeľka Chloé, je geniálna! Nadrozmerné tunikové topy, bermudové šortky, nádherné kabelky a to najdôležitejšie, volány, boli všade. Nesmieme taktiež zabudnúť na Jacquelin Jablonski, ktorá podľa mňa totálne stelesňuje Chloé Girl a zbožňujem jej prirodzený svieži vzhľad.

I love Chloé. If I was rich I would defo buy and wear the clothes from all Chloé collections. I totally loved fall-winter 2012 so I was kinda excited about spring-summer 2013 season. I am pretty sure that Clare Waight Keller, creative director of Chloé, is a genius! Over-sized tunic tops, bermuda-style shorts, classy-sassy bags and the most important, ruffles were everywhere. We also can´t forget Jacquelin Jablonski who totally represents Chloé Girl and I love her fresh and candid look.

(Credit for photos: vogue.co.uk)

Colab: Lana for H&M

Videli ste už Lanine fotky pre H&M??? Ja som ich videla práve teraz, opäť trochu oneskorene, ale som skutočne nadšená. Túto sezónu som jednoznačne za angorové svetre, svetloružovú a obrovské náušnice. Som si istá tým, že môj priateľ si neužije tak ako ja :) Akokoľvek, mala by som ísť na prieskum do najbližšieho HáeMka a doplniť šatník.

Have you seen Lana´s pics for H&M??? I have, now, quite late, again, but I am amazed. I go for angora sweaters, pale pink and statement earring this season. I am sure my boyfriend will not enjoy them as I will :) However, I should visit the closest H&M store and restock my wardrobe.

(Credit for photo: idolator.com)

Review: Dior RTW S/S 2013 Paris Fashion Week


Koľko kritiky pre Simonsovu RTW kolekciu jar-leto 2013! Z môjho pohľadu som si jeho preslávený minimalizmus teda užila! Uznávam, že som sa trošku oneskorila (keďže som  bola dosť zaneprázdnená) ale chcela som si nájsť čas špeciálne pre najočakávanejšiu prehliadku sezóny. Bola som trochu sklamaná z kolekcie Haute Couture, keďže pod pojmom "haute couture" si predstavujem niečo nie celkom nositeľné. Bolo to také jednoduché, tie kostýmčeky vyzerali perfektne a každý jeden model by som si obliekla a nosila.  V RTW kolekcii som očakávala niečo podobné, ale bolo to omnoho lepšie!

Minimalistické tvary boli samozrejmé, topánky boli úplne rozkošné a make-up bol úplne fantastický! (špeciálne farebné očné tiene) A úplnou čerešničkou bola Monika Jagaciak v nádhernej kvetovanej maxi sukni! Take a look at my favs from Dior RTW S/S 2013 show! :)

So much critics for Simons ´RTW Dior collection for spring/summer 2013! From my point of view I enjoyed his notorious minimalism so much! I know I am a bit late with my personal review (whereas I was so busy) however I wanted to take time for the most expected fashion show of the season. I was little disappointed with Haute Couture collection. As far as I imagine “haute  couture” as something not wearable, this one was so simple, the suits were looking amazing and I would totally wear them but is it really haute couture? In RTW collection, I expected something similar and voila, it was much better!

Minimalism shapes were obvious, the shoes were totally lovable and make-up was totally amazing! (Special big-up for flamboyant eye-shadows) And Monika Jagaciak in floral maxi skirt was my personal top of the show! Take a look at my favs from Dior RTW S/S 2013 show! :)

(Credit for photos: vogue.co.uk)

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