Dovolím si úprimne konštatovať, že čo sa týka kuchyne a varenia, som tak trochu enfant terrible. O varenie sa nezaujímam, nevarím, nečítam a nekupujem kuchárske knihy a ani ma to nebaví. Dnes som bola sama doma, tak ak som chcela prijať niečo teplé a dobré, s výnimkou kávy a čaju, musela som si navariť sama. A tak vzniklo toto (kuk fotky). Neviem posúdiť, do akej miery to spĺňa estetické kritériá (asi moc nie) ale chuťovo to bolo fajné. Plus musím hrdo dodať, že všetko bolo 100% bio a vypestované doma! Mrkvička udusená na masle s troškou červenej papriky a čiernym korením bola sladká a mäkká a na uvarených zemiakoch a volskom oku sa nedá snáď nič pokaziť....Dnešný obed sa mi celkom vydaril a ešte som sa aj poriadne najedla!
If I speak frankly, I have to admit that when it comes to kitchen and cooking, I'm kinda enfant terrible. I'm not interested in cooking, I don't cook, I don't buy and read cookery books. Today I've been at home alone and if I wanted to eat something hot and good, except for tea or coffee, therefore I had to cook. Aaand I made this (see pics below). I really can't consider if it looks representative but actually, it tasted good. I must add all the ingredients were 100% bio and grown at home! The carrot smothered in butter with a hint of red and black pepper was deliciously sweet plus cooked potatoes and fried egg can't possibly go wrong....Today's lunch turned into really rad & delicious meal!
3 good things for today: I
1. had funny and romantic dream with some guy from TV,
2. was exercising with fitness ball,
3. read the interview with new Slovak fashion designer Martin Hrča, born in my hometown. If you are Slovak or you understand Slovak, read the interview here.
Oh, I'm so bad at cooking also |( It works good so rarely ;D
looks yummy! xx
The Provocative Couture
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