Review: Dior RTW S/S 2013 Paris Fashion Week

Monday, October 1, 2012

Koľko kritiky pre Simonsovu RTW kolekciu jar-leto 2013! Z môjho pohľadu som si jeho preslávený minimalizmus teda užila! Uznávam, že som sa trošku oneskorila (keďže som  bola dosť zaneprázdnená) ale chcela som si nájsť čas špeciálne pre najočakávanejšiu prehliadku sezóny. Bola som trochu sklamaná z kolekcie Haute Couture, keďže pod pojmom "haute couture" si predstavujem niečo nie celkom nositeľné. Bolo to také jednoduché, tie kostýmčeky vyzerali perfektne a každý jeden model by som si obliekla a nosila.  V RTW kolekcii som očakávala niečo podobné, ale bolo to omnoho lepšie!

Minimalistické tvary boli samozrejmé, topánky boli úplne rozkošné a make-up bol úplne fantastický! (špeciálne farebné očné tiene) A úplnou čerešničkou bola Monika Jagaciak v nádhernej kvetovanej maxi sukni! Take a look at my favs from Dior RTW S/S 2013 show! :)

So much critics for Simons ´RTW Dior collection for spring/summer 2013! From my point of view I enjoyed his notorious minimalism so much! I know I am a bit late with my personal review (whereas I was so busy) however I wanted to take time for the most expected fashion show of the season. I was little disappointed with Haute Couture collection. As far as I imagine “haute  couture” as something not wearable, this one was so simple, the suits were looking amazing and I would totally wear them but is it really haute couture? In RTW collection, I expected something similar and voila, it was much better!

Minimalism shapes were obvious, the shoes were totally lovable and make-up was totally amazing! (Special big-up for flamboyant eye-shadows) And Monika Jagaciak in floral maxi skirt was my personal top of the show! Take a look at my favs from Dior RTW S/S 2013 show! :)

(Credit for photos:


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